Wellness Abroad: Exploring Global Approaches to Health

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Traveling and exploring various parts of the world is always exciting. From the architectural wonders to the delicious cuisine, there is something special in experiencing different cultures. But beyond the sightseeing and culinary adventures, there are also many unique philosophies and practices of physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. From ancient Ayurvedic medicine to Japanese spa therapies and Chinese herbal remedies, many cultural approaches to wellness exist that are sure to delight any curious explorer. Read on as we explore the world of wellness abroad and discover some of the many ways we can feel our best, no matter where our travels take us.

1. Unlocking the Secrets of International Wellness

The whole expanse of the globe holds countless secrets of wellness and wholeness, waiting to be discovered. Unlock them with these globally sourced tips:

  • Chinese Medicine – Delve into the foundations of Chinese medicine, from its diagnosis and treatments to the use of Chinese herbs and acupuncture.
  • Ayurvedic Practices – India’s traditional system of medicine and philosophy focuses on lifestyle balance and health. Get to know your doshas and the six tastes of Ayurveda.
  • Ancient Retailiations – Explore the ancient recipes, rituals and remedies used to treat ailments. Unlock vibrant secrets from Egypt, Rome, Greece and other culures for a comprehensive approach to wellness.

Try adding some of these holistic traditional approaches to your everyday routine for a healthy lifestyle. Getting in touch with nature, taking time for self-care and relaxation, and prioritizing quality sleep are essential to international wellness. An holistic approach to care considers your physical, psychological, nutritional and spiritual wellbeing.

Finally, it’s important to be informed about the wellness practices you choose to use. Research their history, benefits and potential risks for a safe exploration. Whether unlocking the secrets of wellness for pleasure or necessity, take a worldly approach to your wellbeing.

2. Exploring Alternative Approaches to Health

As modern medicine continues to face its challenges, it’s important to remember that alternative approaches to health and wellness still exist. Thousands of years of time-tested holistic treatments are options for those looking to tap into the healing powers of nature and many of these methods can be extremely beneficial.

From acupuncture to traditional Chinese medicine and hikikomori, there is something for everyone who is interested in trying out the ancient remedies and treatments of alternative health. Experiencing an acupuncture session can introduce individuals to a world of relaxation and pain relief, while traditional Chinese medicine can help treat a wide array of illnesses and diseases.

A lesser known form of alternative health is hikikomori, which encompasses a wide range of practices focusing on mental and physical health. Hikikomori often includes activities such as meditation, yoga, qigong, and tai chi. These practices have been around for centuries and can have many positive benefits, such as helping to improve focus, clarity, and mental health.

  • Acupuncture
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Hikikomori

Some individuals may not feel comfortable with conventional medical treatments, and often look to alternative health for relief. By exploring these alternative approaches, we can open up a world of possibilities to improving our health and wellbeing.

3. Global Culture’s Influence on Wellness

It’s no surprise that cultures across the globe are deeply connected to people’s physical and mental wellbeing. But what might be surprising to learn is the substantial influence global cultures have on wellness.

One example of this connection is the culinary traditions of the Mediterranean. This region boasts a diet high in fish, grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, all of which are integral components of the traditional diet. And research has found that people who follow the Mediterranean diet closely have lower rates of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Moreover, studies have discovered that individuals who follow these dietary habits are better able to manage stress and anxiety, and experience fewer depressive symptoms.

Another way global culture impacts wellness is related to the importance of nature and natural ecosystems in many parts of the world. The practice of going out into nature is known as forest bathing, and it has been used for centuries to improve mood, reduce stress, and even reduce levels of inflammation. This is because forests provide a conducive environment for human relaxation, and the natural sounds, smells, and oxygen-rich air can help reduce the physical and mental effects of stress.

Finally, research has also shown that being involved in a religious or spiritual practice is beneficial for one’s wellbeing. Religious practices around the world range from praying to meditating, but they all involve some sort of mindfulness or spiritual practice. Studies have found that individuals who practice spiritual rituals have greater self-reported levels of happiness, and better emotional health. Additionally, people who engage in faith activities and rituals are better able to cope with stress, and may even live longer.

It’s clear to see that global culture has a huge impact on health and wellness. Eating nutritional foods, getting out into nature, and engaging in meaningful spiritual practices, offer immense physical and psychological benefits, and are accessible to everyone around the globe.

4. Beyond the Western Model of Wellness

Wellness advocates have long been looking beyond the traditional Western model of wellness, developing solutions based on cultural, religious, and spiritual understandings to foster a robust sense of wellbeing. This emerging approach to wellness takes a more holistic view, recognizing that wellness is deeply intertwined with the environment, culture, and social networks in which we live. Here are some of the approaches to exploring wellness outside of Western models:

  • Traditional Peace Practices: Looking towards indigenous and ancestral practices, such as meditation, yoga, and tribal rituals can help unlock strength from within and build a foundational understanding of self-care.
  • Whole-person Health: Holistic health treatments take into account a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. This holistic approach can help to foster an integrated understanding of wellbeing.
  • Environmental Connections: Traditional cultures often advocate for living in harmony with nature and understanding the connections between one’s environment and personal wellbeing. Taking time to relax in nature, and engage with its rhythms and cycles, can bring an energy of renewal.
  • Social Support: Engaging with supportive friendships, family members, community groups, and self-help networks can help build a feeling of belonging and connection and provide an important outlet for emotional support.

These approaches aim to provide resources and understanding to help individuals pursue an integrated approach to wellness. Exploring other cultural or spiritual approaches to wellness can provide ways of recreating a life-long sustainable system of wellbeing which will be unique to the individual.

Finding a system of wellness that is meaningful and personalized is key to sustaining a lifetime of wellbeing. Whether looking towards traditional ancient practices, holistic treatments, environmental connections, or social networks, there are an array of models of wellness that can be explored beyond the traditional Western models.

5. Cultivating Optimal Health Abroad

Making Your Health a Priority

Living abroad comes with countless rewards, but it also requires a few lifestyle adjustments.  Moving to a new country often results in an array of new factors that could affect your health. It’s important to stay mindful of these changes in order to maintain optimal health.

  • Incorporate frequent exercise into your daily routine, if possible. Despite your busy schedule, try to make time and include some form of physical activity.
  • Try to eat as healthily as possible. This may involve some research since certain countries have limited availability of certain foods, but maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for optimal health. 
  • Get enough rest. Make sure to set a sleep schedule and stick to it. 
  • Stay mindful of the cultural customs and laws in your new country. Stay away from substances that could have potential health risks and be mindful of potential food or water-borne illnesses.
  • Keep up with any necessary immunizations and check-ups, and purchase adequate health insurance just in case.

It’s always a good idea to take proactive steps towards being proactive with your health while abroad. Invest some time to get to know the medical facilities and practices in your new country – and don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it!

Thanks for joining us as we explored the world of global health and wellness. By looking outward, we discovered a diversity of approaches and practices that are sure to shape our understanding of health into the future. So keep exploring, keep learning, and keep striving for wellness here and around the world.

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